Sunday, March 4, 2018

I practice what I peach... it happened today

I recently wrote an article about dedicating our runs or workouts to someone.  Today I had to do just that!

Since being diagnosed with spinal compression and fibromyalgia over the past two years, I have recently started my fitness journey again from scratch.

I used to run 9 miles at a time with no problem. But, after having to stop all running and weight training for two years, I am forced to start over again.

The spinal compression and fibro were caused by a trauma in my life. It was an abusive relationship that caused the trauma that is causing me so much pain. About two months ago, I decided that if I am going to hurt, then I am going to do what I love and run and weight train anyway! So, that is what I have been doing and I feel better than I did when I lived on the couch for months and months at a time.

Today, I was at the gym, on the treadmill, working on week 4 of the couch to 5K program that I have been doing. There was a long spurt of running and my body was screaming for me to stop running and walk. But, I told my body NO! I thought about how next weekend, for my birthday, I am getting 2 new tattoos and how I want to look good in my bathing suit with my new ink this summer. I thought about making my husband proud of me for pushing through the pain. I also thought about how I need to do this for ME! As I thought about my WHY, I pushed through and finished my run.

Rest assured, all the things I talk about on this blog, I am doing myself :) Love and hugs to everyone struggling in any way. Just keep pushing through and do NOT allow pain to stop you!

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