I met a lady at the gym that colors her hair different colors as a symbol of supporting friends and family for what trials they are going through. For example, she had a blue streak last week to support her husband who is dealing with diabetes. His favorite color is blue and this is her way of showing support.
Often times I need to focus on someone or something to help push through a run or workout. Ultimately, I am doing it for myself. However, when a run is tough or my legs are burning from weight training, it helps to remind myself about others I am doing it for.
You can dedicate each mile to a different person who is important in your life. Try dedicating each set when weight training to a specific person.
People you may want to dedicate your pain to:
Spouse / Significant other
Those going through a difficult time
Doing things for those we love helps give us strength...which is why this technique helps!
Encouragement to get out and run or walk
What is easy fitness?
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