Sunday, September 2, 2018

Modified Vegetarian Keto Lifestyle...

Let me share a touch of my life with you right now... I am an overcomer on several levels. I have overcome abuse, which caused me psychical complications. Those physical complications have caused me much pain.

In December 2017, after being unable to work for months, I decided that going from 5K to couch was NOT OK anymore. I joined a local gym and worked out through every ounce of pain. My body was on fire from fibromyaligia and the atrophy in my right arm kept it scrunched up by my side. But, I said to myself...if I am going to be in pain, I may as well be healthy and be in pain.

After working out for a couple of months and going through extensive spinal therapy for a compressed spine, which was caused by trauma, I came off all medications and stopped going for spinal injections!

Shortly after that, I stopped eating meat as I learned it can cause inflammation. I immediately felt a decrease in the pain throughout my body.

Fast forward almost 2 years...and here I am...working out 3 to 4 times a week, weight training, running and doing yoga. I have decided to implement a modified vegetarian keto lifestyle. I am feeling great and the swelling in my stomach is almost gone! I have not had a flat stomach in years.

When I say modified, it is because I eat some cheese and I can eat certain fish. Other than, I am a vegetarian. No meat or other dairy products.

I hope this has inspired you to keep pushing forward with your health matter what you are going through right now. Don't give up or give in. If you fall, fall on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up!

For more inspiration:

Dedicate your workouts to someone or something

Encouragement to get out and walk or run

Cucumber feta salad