Monday, April 22, 2019

Herbal they are good for us!

Oh man, does this meme sum me up!

Seems like if it is not one thing it is another. So, I have started back eating the Mediterranean way! The Keto way of eating made me sick. I was at work one day and blacked out. I got some orange juice and slowly it helped me feel better. My blood sugar had dropped way too low from the low carbs and because of that, migraines came back full force.

I still do not eat meat for inflammation purposes... I am able to eat certain fish and eat a ton of fruits and veggies.

Something else I started doing is drinking herbal teas. I still love coffee, but limit myself to 1 cup a day now. My favorite herbal tea is blueberry. It aids in heart health, digestion, immune health, kidney health and has anti cancer potential. The gallis acid in the tea and other antioxidants can lower the risk of colon, prostate, breast, lung and cervical cancer!

I take herbal supplements and still work out 3 to 4 times a week to keep the pain at bay. If you follow my Instagram account: Runner_girl_coffee_addict you can stay updated on different herbal teas and how they are good for us! You will also see posts about exercise and fitness.

What to take away from this article:

  • Drinking herbal teas are good for us
  • Eating the Mediterranean diet is a great way to fight off or keep cancer at bay
  • Push yourself to workout and stay healthy...even through the pain (with supervision of your Doctor)
  • Never give up on yourself...take care of you, no one else will